What does freedom mean to you?

Freedom to me means being able to say my mind without fear of being shut up.

Being able to eat whatever I want without bother.

Freedom means being able to travel and do whatever I want without worry of where I’ll get money to pay for the things I need in life. To be able to pursue my dreams without doubt.

Freedom means being able to breathe pure air outside my house and not worry about the fumes or pollution around.

Freedom means being able to write, yes, but not on an empty stomach.

Freedom to me is living a life without so much complexities…

4 responses to “Freedom”

  1. debdancingstarhawken7 Avatar

    I feel this. You’re so succinct. I’m anything but. You’d made a superb, punchy, copywriter. A great screenwriter. You conjure images in the mind in so few words. The world of full of possibilities for you. X

    Liked by 1 person

    1. BeautifullyScornedDiva Avatar

      Thank you so much 😘. I feel inspired to do more and I appreciate your comment

      Liked by 1 person

      1. debdancingstarhawken7 Avatar

        Good! You’re the kind of person the world needs.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. BeautifullyScornedDiva Avatar

          Thank you 😊

          Liked by 1 person

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